Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Moist Mini Meat Submarine

My Ultimate Imgur Recipe Compilation (Updated)

Sleeping Baby Otter


My dog saved my life today

This guy is named Thor Harris. The following is his advice on how to live like a king.

And the awesome dad award goes to...

Guess what Pornhub launched today!

This gif is F@#ked!

and i guess winter is not helping the cause too.

Use this for that cool breeze

Monkey trap... for shady humans.

When you walk past your parents high as a kite

Yes, yes you did.

I love this so much that I've accidentally favorited it 3 times

Hey Kids

Welcome to Imgur

MRW I watch the first episode of a show I like.

Heckler gets rekt by street performer

Piff the magic dragon.

Today is distinctly lacking Cow Bell

Dogs are a mans best friend

MRW I get my salary

Have you seen usersub lately?

The Huffington Post has a tough decision to make.