Tuesday, February 9, 2016

not snow? - fox probably

MRW I get a text for a free burrito from chipotle

MRW I browse imgur everyday and my friend tries to show me something funny from the internet.

Falcon attacks so fast it cannot be seen at all

MRW the world says I can't sexually identify as an Attack Helicopter

Oh, Luke...

Watch A Guy Stop A Runaway Race Cart With His Bare Hands

Most useful websites

I feel so accomplished

Sacrebleu! Mes artères !

from Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet http://ift.tt/1WcQyo9

A bit windy, eh?

from Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet http://ift.tt/1RnXdwv

This is the best one yet

from Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet http://ift.tt/1LfG6GC