Wednesday, February 17, 2016

This little guy

Wake up people! #CruzisKevin

I am so single

Westminster Dog Show without the dogs

This is the world’s largest flying Engine of Murder marveling at the fact that it can actually have its tummy rubbed.


Off-limits shop in North Korea. I had 15 seconds to take this picture before my guide realised I wasn't around

Awright jerkface...

Helping the internet way!

MRW people ask me what type of things I post on imgur...

as requested

Some psychological tricks for different situations

hit monkey

MRW People can't spot the memes I hide in my posts

Stacking dice

A cup of rabbit

One Day I Will Reach the Promised Land

Let's have a good day

I honestly can't take her bullshit anymore


Louana Seclet's special handstand

FBI wants Apple to open iPhones for them. This is Apple's response. Everyone - Apple haters as Apple fan boys - should read it. Highly relevant.

MRW I upvote a comment to 420 points.

Knowledge is power
