Friday, February 19, 2016


NASA has finally discovered what's waiting in the center of a black hole.

Savage af

The X-Files: imgur edition

I love my kids but sometimes...

Not what you expected, huh?

I present to you....the male inverted garter belt

"This is what's flowing out of the taps in Crystal Springs, TX. A town where the FBI has arrested nearly all of the top officials." by BigAstra in pics

Maybe this could help some of you aspiring writers.

Daily Funny

MRW I read urgent work emails sent to me on my day off

MRW I'm 8 years old and want a girl to know I like her

Assassin's Teapot

When I realized I've spent four years making 1,300 gifs for free

Get down!!

I laugh every single time


Punk will never die.

magic chocolate ball

I'm not racist, but this is a classic

A mosque in Houston burned down due to an accident. Here's how they responded to the haters


Can't find the keys

Maybe one day.

Hood olympics