Tuesday, February 16, 2016

To everyone browsing imgur right now

Homer buying a gun

Drunk girls on Snapchat


The shortest police chase in cinema history.

Awesome Vet Comforts Abandoned Dog

If all parents were honest


won't ever do it but good to know (:



Adulthood 1.0 - some links

the more you know

Elements of a Hero

MRW my husband tests his DNA for fun and finds he's 50% Japanese when both of his parents came from Mexico.

Eyeball filmed at 700fps

This is the most beautiful thing I've seen...except you ;)

Adulting So Hard

Science B*tch!

My favourite gif of all time

Rise and shine sleepy head

Noobs at work

Rob bought drinks for everyone on our flight. When I asked him why, he said because he had a year to live...

I'm a strong independent man that needs no woman.

10/10 would chop their fingers