Sunday, March 6, 2016

I love this guy.


My camera refocused right before I took a picture of some broken glass, and it focused on the trees reflection.

Kid just wants the warms.

Secret Netflix Categories

"Found, Saved, Never Used": No more

My brovaries just exploded

Removing Underground Wasp Nest

Looks amazing

Intense parkour training

Shut the fuck up and upvote smoosh-cat

This is an excellent Ron!

This is nuts.

100 eyes are watching you.

MRW I ask for a half-pound of bacon from the butcher and he says, "Why not two pounds? It's the weekend!"

Girl Bounces on Slackline

Suprise Dog

mlem mlem mlem

When going in for a job interview...

Another one

When d Baby Cheetah's Bullied!............

Stuck in the mud.

Hard Times

You is boring, human. I sleep now

When you save the world...