Wednesday, March 9, 2016

potty mouth

What imgur's double tap upvote should REALLY look like...

All the Android users today.

Coco Bears

How dare Obama!!

Y'all need some internet randomness

I hope this helps


ultimate upvote gif... DEPLOY!

Give the people what they really want

When you've got a 9-5 but are hitting a rave afterwards

The Price of Missing a Beer

I would give that dog my left kidney if he asked

This has most likely been posted here before, but it's incredibly useful.

The Floor is Lava!!

Back to the good old days

I want to believe

BMW Vision Next 100

"Hey, let's pla- Or not."

When you're half way through a long gif and you tap it.

Tornado decimates school gymnasium

MRW I find out Android users can double tap to upvote

HRW she saw a gif of her went viral

Unhand me, woman! I am the KING of the jungle.

When I hear my girlfriend spewing in the toilet 3 hours after claiming she could outdrink me