Thursday, March 17, 2016

Your moms butt plug came in

Fucking Majestic

Harry Potter and the Just Served your Asskaban

The amazing cycle of life

When I haven't seen Confused Travolta in a while

Tablet for the blind

l is for logic

When you want to give OC a chance



Baddassery Defined


When the cops don't know yall were Track Stars

Steve Buscemi approves

Why did the Chicken Cross the road?

Target acquired.. Locked... Engage!

One of the saddest things i have seen


Dear Imgur, TIL

5/7 Would chop fingers

Shoot yourself with smaller bullets to build up a resistance

Say goodnight to kitty, Imgur.

Ice cream vending machine

I totally missed this the first time I saw it

Nailed it!