Thursday, February 25, 2016

My favorite Laws

100% lets do it

360° shot of a bridge

50 shades of jawbreaker.


Change Your Perspective

Favorite and forget

Pyro Porn

Quick! Act natural!

This never gets any less funny

Opened my work van after working on a farm yesterday...

When you don't want to upvote but it deserves it

Ah, the good ol days



BEST Burger Ever!

Random idea

Civil War

Since I'm deaf on one ear I thought this was a friendly to tell the world not talking to me from the left.

Incredible moment of baby being cut from amniotic sac and taking its first breath.

MRW I move to Colorado

Very cool fight scene from a Russian superhero movie.

"I know this will die in usersu-" "I'm gonna get downvoted into obliv-" "If this makes it to Front p-"

MRW I tell my girlfriend I made the Imgur front page and she asks if I just posted some pictures of scantily clad women

Kitty's bed-time routine.