Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Five Years Ago This Lady Rescued, Raised And Released This Wolf Pack. They Are So Excited To See Her!

Opening the cookie jar

Tom Hanks SNL Jeopardy

Talk About Being Put On Blast...

Favourite and forget

When the teacher uses your work as an example.

wait for it...

MRW I am German and I find out it is my cakeday

This is why you have a kneecap


Maybe he can stop intruders with his cuteness


Apologies if this has already been on here, but for all of us who grew up with That 70's Show this made me smile

The new Firefox logo

MRW I arrive at a stranger's house party, notice them bickering over what movie to watch, throw on my favorite Jim Carrey flick, and they suddenly demand to know who I am...

Playing with blocks

Look at his smile

This comes to mind every time I see another insane story from a place of higher education.

This morning, I'd just got out of the shower.

Slow Cooker Parmesan Honey Pork Roast


That's what you get for acting like a smartass

I've always wondered about this

Let's all come together and cause some chaos

A daring escape