Friday, February 26, 2016

best guard dog ever

Let's take immigration seriously


Batman then VS now.

Just one of those mornings...

When you pose for a picture and feel that sneeze building.

90's Dave Grohl is best Dave Grohl

The story of Mr. Taco

Don't F**K with OC!

When you ask a brother to pass the salt.

My weekend work music

Kokeshi Doll

Apes... do not want... WAAARRRRR

100 wise words

I've got you, Wrigley

This is what happpens when the Water at Marine Camp LeJeune is Contaminated

That look

Mom's costume game is off the charts

Paul (sara), please

You might wanna favorite for future use. I know I will be using it a lot on here.

When your mom just disappears..

Giant kitties need head scratches too.

My name is Jamie and I love this idea

The wiggle is too powerful

A gamers fear