Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Finally did it

When you're spanking your nanner curtains and realize the camera was on the whole time

simple way to get six packs

Everyone Should Totally Try Them


When you get so happy you turn into a little white girl!

Super Human

superman`s humor

Back Pain Exercises


my wife doesn't know it yet, but this is happening.

I heard you like Cera, so I give you @sarah posing as Cera while being @sarah

Took me a while....

"How Hips Work" Shameless repost that makes me laugh every time


Luckily these workers were wearing their harnesses

Gets me every time.

Cue the mission impossible theme

Down voting a -8 post

Up vote if you like whiskey

Wiffle balls

Brilliant restaurant logo.

For those of you that haven't seen this masterpiece

Cleaning up after Joe.

MRW someone is trying to get me out of bed